2011년 1월 24일 월요일

Last Week in GLPS 15

      This is our last week of Global Leadership Program for Students.
We had debate, history, math, skiing, some other activities, and WRITING.
In debate we learned about preliminary debate and we actually debated two times a week.
I developed my confidence and how to be logical.
Our class was with Mr.Chaplain who was bald but a great teacher.
We also had history with Mr.Urban who knew very much about history. We focused on presentation with the topic, Charlemagne, the king of the Frank Kingdom. It was hard but it was a great opportunity todevelop my presenting skills.
We had math with 4 different teachers and it was fun.
Skiing in Hyndai Sungwoo Resort was very fun and I am proud that I was in the highest group.
Lastly, it was very fantastic in our magnifient blog in writing classes with Mr.Garrioch and Mr.Crawford. I learned many differnent things such as how to write a better essay, diamante poems, or an ode.
This camp was a very good experince and also a great chance for me to learn more and know more. Of course I'd like to go home but also I feel sad about leaving this camp
Hopefully, I could be here next time too with these great teachers I met in this camp.

iPad vs Galaxy Tab

This is an article from www.pcworld.com  about Samsung's Galaxy Tab and Apple's iPad.
I was curious about both and which one is better.
And I thought you might be interested, too.
So read it and think about it.


The Android vs. Apple battle has officially made its way into the world of tablets.
Samsung took the wraps off its new Samsung Galaxy Tab Android tablet on Thursday. The Galaxy Tab is a 7-inch slate built to complete with the current tablet king, Apple's thus-far-unchallenged iPad.
Sure, there have been a couple other Android tablets on the market already but the Galaxy Tab is the first that truly qualifies as a contender.
*According to manufacturers' estimatesSo how exactly does Samsung's Galaxy Tab differ from the iPad? Check out this comparison chart for a side-by-side glimpse at the two devices' specs and see for yourself. (Click image to zoom.)
In a nutshell, the Galaxy Tab is smaller and lighter (though rumors suggest a couple of larger editions will debut before the year's end). It has the same speed processor but twice the RAM. Like the iPad, the Galaxy Tab comes with different options for internal storage. It also, however, supports up to 32GB of expandable storage; Apple's device is limited to the internal space only.
The Galaxy Tab has two cameras -- a rear-facing 3.2-megapixel camera and a front-facing 1.3-megapixel camera for video chatting -- while the current models of the iPad have none. Samsung claims up to 7 hours of video playback for the Galaxy Tab; Apple says its iPad can last up to 10 hours.
In terms of software, the Galaxy Tab's Android 2.2 operating system gives the device a number of selling points Apple's iPad can't claim, including full-featured multitasking, support for Adobe Flash, and unrestricted access to applications (Apple is notorious for censoring all sorts of material -- ranging from political satire to swimsuit-clad women -- and also for banning apps that provide functions such as free tethering and customization of the operating system).
Samsung's Galaxy Tab is set to launch in Europe within the next few weeks, then in the U.S. shortly thereafter. Pricing and carrier information for the States is not yet available, though rumors suggest the Galaxy Tab could end up on Verizon.

Short Essay-Computer Game Addiction

     Nowadays, technologies have developed a lot. And computers are one of the most developed devices. Computers have become entrenched features in our daily lives. Computer usages has reached beyond the works and is now a major source of fun and entertainment for lots of people. Many spent their time playing games such as Starcraft or FIFA Online 2. This is all right if you play for certain amount of time, but it is a problem when you keep play and you don't stop playing. This is called game addiction and now, I will tell why game addictions are bad.
     The first reason why I believe game addiction is bad is because you just fall in to that game. Some people think about it even they are not playing and if it is serious, they even pretend that they are the characters in the game. Do you know why some people get murderded? It is because of this computer game. They play shooting or violent game and they pretend to be the characters in the game which makes them crazy. Also, if you fall into the game and you keep play it, you won't have time to do other important things such as studying.
     The second reason why I think computer games are bad is because they can be harmful to our health.When you play a computer game, you just look at the screen, just click a mouse and don't move. If you keep looking in the bright screen without resting your eyes, your eyes will be damaged. Also if you don't move and sit still in a chair, your waist will hurt.
     Those were the reasons why I think computer games are bad. Now, I will tell you how we can prevent addiction to computer games.
     First, when you decide to play games, decide how much time you will spend for game and follow it. It can definitely help you not to fall in the games.
    Second, while you are playing games, take a rest. It is a good idea to have a rest after 30 minutes. Rest your eyes an waist and walk around the room. This will prevent you eyes from hurting and it will feel good for you.
     This was a short essay about why computer game addiction is bad. In a Korean pronoun, there is something called, 'Your when you are 3 years old keep goes until you are 80 years old'. Like this computer games can definitely have an effect on your life. So I hope that people who are playing games too much can reduce their  game time.

An Ode-My Eraser

                                                            My Eraser
                      Dear my eraser,
                      Oh eraser. How nice of you to sacrifice yourself for me.
                      You were very white and clean before you met me.
                      You weren't this small before you met me.
                      You were covered in a warm cloth of a wrapper before you met me.
                      You were resting in a nice cosy cabinet before you met me.
                      But what happened to you after you met me?
                      What kind of bad things happened to you after you met me?
                      Whenever I had a math problem, you were sacrificed for me.
                      Whenever I had to write an essay, you were sacrificed for me.
                      Whenever I was bored, you were sacrificed for me.
                      Whenever I had to throw something , you were sacrified for me.
                      Whenever I did these things to you, you didn't get angry at me.
                      Oh eraser, how mice of you to be kind to me.                    
                       Oh eraser. how nice of you to sacrifice yourself for me.

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Out My Window-Essay

    Have you ever lived in a highrise? Because there are lots of them now so you may have been. There are many differnet kinds and types of high rise in many countries. And our class got every different high rise for each person to write an essay about. I got to search for Ivanetti's high rise which is located in the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil. In this essay, I will write about some similarities and differences between Sao Paulo and Daejeon which is a city I am living in. Also, I am going to compare South Korea to Brazil in many ways such as their lands and populations, bordering countries, and cultural issues. Then, I will talk about some scenes that I see in my window and Ivanatti's window. Fourth, I wil compare objects in two houses. And finally, I will tell about my impressions after I have experienced this HIGHRISE.

    First, I will tell you the similarities and differences between Sao Paulo and Daejeon. Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, the largest city in the southern hemisphere, and the world's 7th largest metropolitan area. The city is the capital of the state of Sao Paulo, the most populous Brazilian state. The name of the city honors Saint Paul. Sao Paulo exerts strong regional influence in commerce and finance as well as arts and entertainment. Sao Paulo is considered an Alpha - World City. On the other hand, Daejeon is located in the center of South Korea. It is the fifth largest city in South Korea, with a population of 1,442,856 at the end of 2005. It is at the crossroads of Gyeongbu railway, Honam railway, Gyeongbu Expressway, and Honam Expressway. Within the city limits lies Daedeok Science Town, an area with more than 200 research institutions.

 Sao Paulo is a very big and famous city for the world but Daejeon is not. But Daejeon has more trasprtation such as highways, railroads, bus station, and trains. So these were some characteristics of the cities and differences between them.

     Secondly, I will alk about Korea and Brazil. South Korea  is a country in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the China to the west, Japan to the east, and North Korea to the north. Its capital is Seoul, which is also its largest city. South Korea lies in a temperate climate region with a  mountainous terrain. Its territory covers a total area of 99,392 square kilometers and has a population of 50 million. Also it is the only remaining divided country with same people and culture. On the other hand, Brazil is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population. It is the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,491 kilometers. It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas department of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. It has borders with all other South American countries apart from Ecuador and Chile. Furthermore, Brazilians are good at soccer and their Samba Festival is very famous around the world.

     Thirdly, I will talk about views from my apartment and compare it to Ivanetti's view. First, I live in 28th floor. So our family can see almost whole view of Daejeon. We can see many apartments and some big buildings. Also we see some small private houses. We see lots of cars and people out there. But Ivanetti's view fromhouse is way different from mine. They had kind of poor people and very low houses. And not all the houses are clean and nice. Some of them were dirty and it looks like they are almost destroyed.

     After using this nice site, I felt that there are still many people having harsh time in their life and people who have better life quality should help them as much as they can including me. This was a great opportunity to know about world once more and I learned a lot about them.   

Feudalism-Third History Presentation

Good Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Taeksoo Kim and I am in class 24. This is our second last presentation and I tried my best for this, but still, I might have some flaws in my speech so please excuse me when I do so. Today, I am going to talk something not very common to most of the countries including South Korea. Nowadays, people are equally treated; no matter they are rich or poor, or black or white even though some people don’t admit it. Also all people have same rights as human. But long time ago, even long time before 10th century it wasn’t. People were not equal and didn’t have same rights. Do you get what I am going to talk about? It is Feudalism, also known as Feudal Services. In this speech, I will tell you the definition of Feudal Services, the levels in Feudal Services which are the king, the noble, the knight, and the peasant and my opinion about Feudal Services. But before I go deeper into this topic, let me tell you about some things about Charlemagne.

Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great was one of the kings of the Frank Kingdom. He was born in 742 and died on January 28, 814. He reined the kingdom from 768 to 814. Also he was the Emperor of the Romans from 800 to his death. His predecessor which means someone having the same job before him was Pepin the Short who was his father, and his successor which means having the same job after him was Louis the Pious who was Charlemagne’s son. He ruled the Frank Kingdom with his brother ‘Carloman’ when his father Pepin the Short died, but the sudden death of Carloman in 771 made Charlemagne became the only king. He conquered many tribes or cities, such as Aquitane, Pavia, or the Saxons. According to the movie and other sources he had 5 wives and about 20 children.

Now I will talk about my topic, Feudal Services. If I say it in a sentence, Feudalism was a set of political and military customs in Frank Kingdom that ranked people in levels. In fact, this custom was not only for Frank Kingdom but throughout Western Europe. In Feudalism, there is a ruler and people who are ruled. The levels are divided into four which are the kings, nobles, knights and the peasants. As we know, king or a monarch is a highest person, then nobility, knights, and peasants. Kings gave lands of his kingdom to nobles. Nobles gave their land to the knight. Then the knights gave land to the peasants for them to farm, get food and have shelter or protection. This was the way each level gave to another. Now let’s go the other way. Peasants gave food, taxes and military services to knights. Knights also gave military services and loyalty to nobles. And same with the nobles. They gave military services and loyalty to the king. Kings appointed nobles, or lords, for protection and to handle their territories. The lords appointed knights to protect both themselves and the king. The knights appointed peasants to work their land. So this is like a ladder of a pyramid. There are 3 important key words for Feudalism. Those three are fief, vassal, and lords. Fief is a land that is given to people such as nobles, knights, and peasants. And anyone who received a fief is called a vassal. Everyone was a vassal to the king. On the other hand, people who had others as workers were called the lords. And Feudalism was successful with these terms. This was similar to the policy in ancient Japan or North Korea. Ancient Japan had one emperor, then Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai and Peasants. Emperor had a same place as the king, Shogun and Daimyo, replacing the nobles, and Samurai the knights. In North Korea, the nation is in Kim Jung-Il’s hand who is the leader. Then his close relatives get the good position. And that is similar to what I am talking right now, Feudalism.

As I said, I will now talk about the levels in Feudal Services. There are simply four levels, which are a king or a monarch, a lord or a noble, a knight and a peasant. They each had different rights and things to do. And as you go down to the lower levels, there were more of them. So there were fewer kings than peasants, knights, or lords.

First, I will talk about the monarch. A monarch is a person who leads the country. It is a form of government in which a country is ruled only by one person alone. If someone has been the king, he normally rules the kingdom for his whole life and inherits the next king by birth. Many monarchs have different titles such as a King, Queen, Emperor or Empress. Irene, the Empress of the Byzantine Empire and Charlemagne the Emperor in Holy Roman Empire, can be one of the good examples of a monarch. They rule the nation and no one else can disagree to their decisions or do something other than their orders. They had many privileges such as living in a better place, the palace. Even today, there are some monarchies in Europe. Andorra, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Belgium or Great Britain is some of them. If we compare the nation as Global Leadership Program for Students, the monarch can be compared to the teacher.

Next, I will talk about the nobles. They are the second highest ranked group. Nobles had more privileges than knights and peasants, but still less than the kings. They were very honored and were maintained and acknowledged by the law or government. They obtained the land or a castle from the king and had peasants to work for them. They had to show loyalty and faith to the king. Also they had to send their army whenever the king needed them. But as I said they had more advantages than others so it was a good rank or level to be in. Nobles were hereditary. This means that when a noble have a son or a daughter, they become the nobles, too. Nobles are in a level like PAs and TAs because they help the king as in the PAs and TAs helps the teachers.

Because dukes are shown in the movie a lot, I will talk shortly about them. Dukes are the member of nobility. They were the highest rank below the monarch. In Middle Ages, dukes were the rulers of the provinces and some cities. In the movie, some of the examples of the dukes are, the Duke of Aquitaine, and the Duke of Bavaria, Tasillo. In these days some countries still have dukes, such as France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Now I will talk about the knights. They had third highest rank below the king and the noble. In the movie there are many knights shown. Charlemagne’s friends, Roland, Turpin, Oliver, Ogier and even the traitor, Ganelon were all knights. Knights were the members of the warrior class of the Middle Ages in Europe who followed a law named ‘Chivalry’. Chivalry had three main areas; the military, social life and religion. The military areas were very important to the knights. Along with fighting well in the wars, there were many customs and rules to be followed as well. One of them was to having a expensive and heavy weapons. But this wasn’t all. Horses were also definitely important and each knight often owned many several horses just in case. Also one of the greatest signs was the colored banners which displayed their powers and strengths. Chivalry and religion was also together. Each army had different religion and supported their religions. For example, Christian army supported Christians and Muslim army supported the Muslims. As a result the armies fought each other protecting their people and harming others. Becoming a knight wasn’t a widely attainable goal in the medieval eras. The sons of knights were easily allowed to become a knight bout it was almost impossible from the lower class such as peasants.

Now finally, I will talk about the last remaining level, the peasants. Peasants were the agricultural workers who owned or rented a small land of ground. Peasants made up the majority of the agricultural labor force in the society, dependant on the cultivation of their land. If there were no stock piles and no provisions, they would thrive and starve which can make the country very vulnerable. Most of the people in Middle Ages were peasants. They had very harsh environments around them and they suffered in hardship very often. Hardships were such as poor harvests of not having enough provisions. Peasants usually had only one set of clothing but two at most. Also they usually gave their lord, nobles about 20% of their earnings. They also owed the priest or a bishop 10% of their earnings. Of course the knights also took some for keeping them alive and protecting them. Overall, the peasants only got 10~20% of their earnings. They were mostly very poor and had huge differences with the kings.

I have told you all the four levels in Feudal Services and I had some more details about them. And now I will talk about my opinions about this Feudal Systems.

 I really think that this policy or system was very useful and helpful for the country. They made country very strong and helped the society to be straighter. For example what would happen if Feudal Services were not available at the time when Charlemagne lived? Think about it. The decisions and opinions will be always different and if there was no good decision made, Charlemagne would have not been able to gain victory. However there is a big noticeable problem in this policy. People were divided into many groups. This system had levels; kings, nobles, knights, and peasants. And these levels had so many differences. For example, kings could just relax, eat, and sleep while the peasants had to work. This is wrong to me because I think this is not fair. I believe everyone living in the Earth should be equally treated.

This is end of my speech and before I finish it let me summarize what I have just said in this speech. I first talked something about Charlemagne which we are studying. Then I told you the definition of Feudalism and levels in Feudalism which was kings, nobles, knights, and the peasants. Next, I had some more details about each level and had examples from the movie we saw, named ‘Charlemagne’. Lastly I told you my opinions about Feudal Services. It was a good policy but it also had some bad points. Again, this was about Feudalism and I hope you have enjoyed it, if you could. Thank you for your time, your attention and listening. 

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Out My Window-about it


     Out My Window is a 2010 web documentary by Katerina Cizek exploring the lives of families living in hig-rise buildings in 13 cities around the world. The website is produced by National Film Board of Canada as part its collaborative documentary project Highrise. Out My Window was shot in Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Havana, São Paolo, Amsterdam, Prague, Istanbul, Beirut, Bangalore, Phnom Penh, Tainan, and Johannesburg.