2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain 'Aliens and UFOs' by class 24

      Writing Chain, Class 24 Taeksoo Kim

Chain Writing was an activity that everyone gets a chance to write a story.
We had a starting sentence and we had to write the story whatever we want.
I began to write the story and I wanted to write why I think aliens exist and my friends
Who wrote the rest of the story wrote great and I like the essay.
As I said, this story ended up as I have expected and I have liked this kind of writing activity


      While many people believe in UFOs and aliens don’t really exist, I agree with the people who think the aliens and the UFO’s really exist. UFO stands for Unidentified flying object. Most people say it looks like a saucer but some of them are long and thin and others can be ball shaped.
           There was a case that two men were captured by air-swimming aliens while they were fishing in Mississippi., USA in 1973. According to what they said, these two aliens examined men’s body with special instruments. And this case confident me that aliens really do exist.
           There have been many expeditions to Mars by robots to find any living organisms but all of them failed. Or it could have not announced in public even if it was discovered. There have been countless cases where citizens have claimed to see UFOs, but they might have seen a plane or a misunderstanding. There are movies and cartoons about aliens living among the humans, but this is a big misconception. We do not have any substantial evidence of them.
           One time I was thinking ‘Why does the UFO come and when we look at them, they suddenly disappear?’ Well, most of the believers say that they are scared because most of the people are cross-side of them and try to kill them. People should be friendly to them and prepare for their appearances. And why are we so afraid of aliens? They are just a living creature like us, but only with different figures. If we communicate with their cultures and techniques, our world can be developed and might find a way to solve problems such as the green house effect of trash problems.
           Think that a friend just beside you is actually an alien. He or she is changing into a figure you have never saw in your life. Are you going to stop being friend with him or her? Probably not. Your friend and you will understand each other and be the best friends again. Like this if people think that aliens are our friends, they certainly are going to show themselves and be great friends with humans. Maybe humans will make aliens’ bathroom or parking lot or whatever. Just like humans.
           What do you think? Did your mind change from the original thoughts of aliens? I hope so. Now we just have to prove that they exist. Study!

Be a scientist of universe. I hope you have the thought of studying now. Good luck! 

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