2011년 1월 24일 월요일

Last Week in GLPS 15

      This is our last week of Global Leadership Program for Students.
We had debate, history, math, skiing, some other activities, and WRITING.
In debate we learned about preliminary debate and we actually debated two times a week.
I developed my confidence and how to be logical.
Our class was with Mr.Chaplain who was bald but a great teacher.
We also had history with Mr.Urban who knew very much about history. We focused on presentation with the topic, Charlemagne, the king of the Frank Kingdom. It was hard but it was a great opportunity todevelop my presenting skills.
We had math with 4 different teachers and it was fun.
Skiing in Hyndai Sungwoo Resort was very fun and I am proud that I was in the highest group.
Lastly, it was very fantastic in our magnifient blog in writing classes with Mr.Garrioch and Mr.Crawford. I learned many differnent things such as how to write a better essay, diamante poems, or an ode.
This camp was a very good experince and also a great chance for me to learn more and know more. Of course I'd like to go home but also I feel sad about leaving this camp
Hopefully, I could be here next time too with these great teachers I met in this camp.

댓글 2개:

  1. I miss you and I'm waiting for saturday to meet you..
    I am proud of you and I love you very very much.
    I'll love you forever my baby,my son~~

  2. http://www.percyjacksonthemovie.com/quiz/index.html
