2011년 1월 24일 월요일

An Ode-My Eraser

                                                            My Eraser
                      Dear my eraser,
                      Oh eraser. How nice of you to sacrifice yourself for me.
                      You were very white and clean before you met me.
                      You weren't this small before you met me.
                      You were covered in a warm cloth of a wrapper before you met me.
                      You were resting in a nice cosy cabinet before you met me.
                      But what happened to you after you met me?
                      What kind of bad things happened to you after you met me?
                      Whenever I had a math problem, you were sacrificed for me.
                      Whenever I had to write an essay, you were sacrificed for me.
                      Whenever I was bored, you were sacrificed for me.
                      Whenever I had to throw something , you were sacrified for me.
                      Whenever I did these things to you, you didn't get angry at me.
                      Oh eraser, how mice of you to be kind to me.                    
                       Oh eraser. how nice of you to sacrifice yourself for me.

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