2011년 1월 10일 월요일

History Presentation

     Hello, my name is Taeksoo Kim and I am going to talk about a man named Eginhard. But first, I am just going to tell you about the background of this time period. In this time period, the Roman power weakened and several of the larger barbarians tribes including the Visgoths and Burgundians appeared to have operated expansionists policies. However, it was the Franks who were generally popular with their subject and early converts to orthodor Cristianity , who gained dominance. When Charlemagne's father Peppin the third died in 768, his kingdom was divided into two, one for Charlemagne and one for his brother Carloman. But Carloman died and the kingdom was reunited to one and Charlemagne became the emperor of the Frank kingdom. Now I will talk about Eginhard. In this speech you will be able to know about Eginhard's life and death, and some things that Eginhard has done.

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